What is stammering?
Stammering which is also known as stuttering, is a speech disorder characterized by sudden disruptions or a struggle to get the words out. People who stammer may experience blockages and repetitions of words or abnormal pauses while speaking. It can affect the fluency of a speech to a great extent. Mostly people stutter in uncomfortable situations like facing any stranger, talking to higher authority, doing enquiries or at public speaking etc. These uncomfortable situations create fear, stress and anxiety which leads to severe level of stammering. On the other hand, the tendency to stammer decreases when they are in a comfortable situations. Thus, stammering is not constant but changes according to mood, time, people and place.
As stammering is not a disease but a deep rooted habit pattern, it can be characterized into habitual and psychological issue.
Stammering as a habitual problem starts at early age prominently by imitating someone or by some other factors. Stammering remains a bad habit till the age you are not aware of it. By the time you start getting conscious of your stammering, the psychological factor comes into play.
At certain matured age when you come to your senses, you try to socialize yourself by speaking to different situations and doing so u get stuck often and the sense of guilt starts to pour into your mind. You are always surrounded by the negative feelings of shame and guilt of not being able to speak like a normal person. Gradually all these thoughts create a habit of fear in your mind whenever you face any unknown situations. Due to this fear you often avoid facing public and whenever you get to face any uncomfortable situation even your normal stammering multiplies to severe one and you stammer like a hell. So a problem which started as a small habit becomes severe due to the negative psychology in the mind.
But we need not to worry as stammering can be overcome easily by practicing certain techniques and improving one’s psychology.
Causes of Stammering?
Stammering which starts at early age as a habit develops into a severe psychological and habitual condition later. Different factors are responsible to cause someone to stutter. Imitating other stammerer is one of the primary factors which is responsible for stammering. Some other factors which include, consequences of a serious disease, anxiety, rudeness, bad parenting, shyness, fast speaking habit and lack of proper synchronization between thinking and speaking etc.
Difference between stammering and stuttering?
Both stammering and stuttering are synonymous to each other. Both words are used for speech disfluency in different regions and parts of the world. Stuttering is used mostly in American English and Stammering is used in British English. So in USA and neighboring countries you would mostly here the word stuttering and countries like Britain and India stammering word is predominantly used.